October 20th, Typhoon 6:30-9:00pm Call 310.390.6565 for reservations

The Clare Fischer Jazz Corps The Clare Fischer Latin Jazz Group
The Clare Fischer Big Band
The Clare Fischer Clarinet Choir
Other News!
¡Ritmo! is now nominated for a Latin Grammy! The 14th Latin Grammy Awards will be on November 21st

The NEW album with The Clare Fischer Orchestra is entered in 10 categories for Grammy consideration! The 56th GRAMMY awards will be on Sunday, January 26, 2014 at 8pm. Order your CD or download the new album today!
Carrying on Fischer orchestral traditions: see the new Making of Wise Up Ghost Orchestral Sessions
November 28th, The Clare Fischer Latin Jazz Group, Directed by Brent Fischer at the Riviera Maya Jazz Festival
Recording Academy members: Please consider the music of Clare Fischer and Brent Fischer for the 14th Latin Grammys and the 56th Grammys--we would be honored to have your support!
All Fischer scores and parts available for purchase, some now in pdf form! Click here to inquire about your favorite pieces
To order more music go to www.ClareFischer.com
Music also available at these other stores:

Click here to book one of the Clare Fischer bands or Masterclasses on Fischer harmonic and orchestrational concepts via Skype!
One of our most brilliant musicians.
--High Fidelity Magazine
Name an area of musical imagination and Clare Fischer's probably been there, from jazz and classical to pop, rock and R&B. Everything the veteran composer/arranger/pianist does blends skillful craftsmanship with musical credibility, but for jazz fans he has done some of his most compelling work for big bands…via a creative partnership with his son, Brent Fischer.
--Don Heckman, legendary music journalist
Brent Fischer has expanded my musical vocabulary tremendously. He is a fantastic teacher and a uniquely gifted composer and arranger, carrying on the unparalleled work of his father, Clare Fischer.
--Keith Horn, Composer/Arranger for film and television
Brent Fischer is a musician of the first order. His writing builds on the legacy of his father, the legendary Clare Fischer, and is complex, yet wonderfully accessible. It was a thrill to work with him and Brent is a joy to be with. He is a musician's musician.
--Dr. William Meckley, Empire Jazz Orchestra